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Hellhole: Awakening

Hellhole: Awakening

Auteure: Brian Herbert , Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 534

In this exhiliarting sequel to Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's Hellhole, the stakes on planet Hallholme have been raised to new heights. After declaring his independence from the corrupt Constellation, rebel General Adolphus knows the crackdown is coming. Now he needs to pull together the struggling Hellhole colony, the ever-expanding shadow-Xayan settlement, and his connections with the other Deep Zone worlds. Even then, he doubts his desperate measures will be enough. Diadem Michella Duchenet has collected a huge space fleet led by Commodore Escobar Hallholme, son of the hero who originally defeated Adolphus. They expect resistance from the General's rebels, but who could possibly stand up to such a mighty fleet? Adolphus knows he's running out of time, but he still has some hope—the shadow-Xayans have banded together to defend their sacred planet with "telemancy," but can they discover new powers to protect all the stored alien lives on the already devastated world? And when all hope seems lost, the awakened Xayans reveal information hidden even from their own followers—the existence of a bigger threat that makes even the Constellation fleet seem insignificant....

Olium, (La Constellation du Diadème)

Olium, (La Constellation du Diadème)

Auteure: Brian Herbert , Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 478

On l’appelle Fond de l’Enfer. Parce qu’il n’existe pas de planète plus inhospitalière dans toute la Zone Profonde. Stérile, éloignée de tout, balayée par d’effroyables tornades et secouée d’éruptions volcaniques... Fond de l’Enfer est l’exil des vaincus de la guerre civile, un endroit pour les parias. Mais l’ancien général rebelle Adolphus est décidé à changer la donne. En formant une coalition clandestine contre le gouvernement corrompu et tyrannique qui dirige les 74 mondes de la Constellation, il tente de transformer Fond de l’Enfer en un lieu d’opportunités. Ce que tous ignorent, c’est que la planète maudite cache en son sein un extraordinaire secret. La Constellation du Diadème, une fresque passionnante et intemporelle, est le nouveau cycle de deux grands noms de la science-fi ction : Brian Herbert et Kevin J. Anderson. Tous deux poursuivent parallèlement la célèbre saga de Dune, de Frank Herbert, le père de Brian.

Hellhole Awakening

Hellhole Awakening

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson , Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 568

The second in a newepic science fiction series from the internationally bestselling co-authors of the DUNE prequels General Adolphus knows the Monarchy crackdown is coming. Now he needs to pull together all the resources of the Hellhole colony, the ever-expanding shadow-Xayan settlement, and his connections with the other Deep Zone worlds. On Sonjeera, Diadem Michella Duchenet has collected a huge fleet, led by firebrand Commissar Escobar Hallholme, son of the man who originally defeated Adolphus. Uniting themselves and pooling their minds, the shadow-Xayans send a power surge along the original stringline path that links Hellhole with the Monarchy's hub on Sonjeera. All of the Diadem's battleships are currently approaching on that route, and when the mental blast wipes out all the substations, the battleships are effectively stranded. But now a bigger threat appears. Three large asteroids come in from the outer reaches of the Candela system. On Hellhole, the awakened Xayans finally reveal information that has been hidden even from their own followers. A large group of powerful, rogue telemancers split away from the main race-fanatics, violent, and ruthless. And now that the Xayan ...



Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson , Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 652

The planet Hellhole was devastated by a large asteroid impact centuries ago and most of its native species - including a sophisticated alien civilisation - were utterly wiped out. Now Hellhole has been opened up as part of a colonization initiative by the sprawling and decadent Galactic Monarchy, but only the hardiest, or most desperate, pioneers and misfits would dare to settle there. This is their story of trying to tame a shattered world, and of uncovering secrets left behind by a devastated civilization.

Sisterhood of Dune

Sisterhood of Dune

Auteure: Brian Herbert , Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 740

The inspiration for the HBO original series DUNE: PROPHECY, coming Fall 2024! It is 83 years after the last thinking machines were destroyed in the Battle of Corrin, after Faykan Butler took the name of Corrino and established himself as the first Emperor of a new Imperium. The war hero Vorian Atreides has turned his back on politics and Salusa Secundus. The descendants of the disgraced Abulurd Harkonnen have sworn vengeance against Vor, blaming him for the downfall of their noble family. Raquella Berto-Anirul has formed the Bene Gesserit School and, through a terrible ordeal, has become the first Reverend Mother. The descendants of Aurelius Venport and Norma Cenva use mutated, spice-saturated Navigators who fly precursors of Heighliners. And Gilbertus Albans, ward of the hated thinking machine Erasmus, is teaching humans to become Mentats...while hiding an unbelievable secret. Led by the fanatic Manford Torondo, the Butlerian movement, fiercely opposed to all forms of "dangerous technology," sweeps across the known universe in mobs, millions strong, destroying everything in its path. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software...

Man of Two Worlds

Man of Two Worlds

Auteure: Frank Herbert , Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 537

From a New York Times bestseller, a sci-fi “novel of great charm and freshness, with improbable situations, weird complications, vital characters . . . ” (Kirkus Reviews). What if the entire universe happened to be the creation of alien minds? Dreens are extraordinary storytellers—and they can actually make the worlds they imagine come to life—and this is the origin of Earth and the entire known universe. Even though Dreens live far across the universe, the human race has the technology for interstellar travel and the military power to destroy the aliens’ core planet. But Earth itself is only sustained by the continued existence of the Dreens. If the last Dreen dies, all of humanity will disappear! A science fiction adventure showcasing the imagination that made Frank Herbert famous and the wry wit and satire that brought Brian Herbert critical acclaim.

The Race for God

The Race for God

Auteure: Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 313

Who needs Heaven? God, it turns out, lives on the planet Tananius-Ofo in the distant galaxy 722C12009. And now, after countless millennia, He’s invited us to come visit Him. Not everybody, mind you. Just an odd assortment of heathens, heretics, pantheists, perverts, and true believers of every sect and creed—all crammed into a single white spaceship piloted by a slightly crazed biocomputer. Each pilgrim is determined to be the first to reach God and learn His secrets . . . If they don’t all kill each other on the way there

Dangerous Worlds

Dangerous Worlds

Auteure: Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 235

The fantastic collection of bestselling author Brian Herbert’s short fiction, a volume packed with highly imaginative, intriguing stories and ideas. This is the first collection of Brian Herbert’s short fiction, a volume that is packed with highly imaginative, intriguing stories and ideas. In the previously unpublished “Death of the Internet,: Under Burning Skies,” the internet is wiped out—forever!—leaving hundreds of millions of people unable to function without a technology that they have become addicted to, and totally dependent upon. Another previously unpublished story, "Earth Games" describes an alien world where Earth people are kept prisoner and forced to perform competitions with hotrod automobiles. Those games strongly resemble rush-hour commute experiences in major U.S. cities, where drivers compete for lane space and make rude hand gestures to one another. A slight difference: the cars in this story have machine guns on the fenders, and cannons on the rooftops! Two of the stories in this collection—“Earth Games” and “The Stakeout”—were edited by Brian’s father Frank Herbert, the famed author of DUNE, in the early 1980s, and rewritten by...

Hellhole: Inferno

Hellhole: Inferno

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson , Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 541

After the events of Hellhole Awakening, the people of Hellhole and the shadow-Xayans scramble to rally against the threat from the still-living rogue Xayans. Back on Sonjeera, the Monarchy is in an uproar after their surprising defeat and the breakaway of the Deep Zone planets. The dowager Queen decides to go to Hellhole on a diplomatic mission, hoping to keep her power. But after touring Hellhole, Queen Michella is shaken, and begins to realize that she can never have the old Monarchy back. Before the Queen can return to Sonjeera, she's captured by the rogue Xayans and learns the reason for their attack: the orthodox Xayans had developed their minds to the point where they could evolve and, in so doing, trigger another Big Bang, wiping out everything. The rogue Xayans thought they succeeded in stopping the ascension, but the orthodox Xayans on Hellhole are nearly ready. Now, twenty-two huge asteroids from the outer reaches of the solar system are bearing towards Hellhole, summoned by the rogue sect as a last resort. Can all these lives and the planet itself be saved?

Eternity's Mind

Eternity's Mind

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 573

Eternity’s Mind is the climactic final book in Kevin J. Anderson’s Saga of Shadows Trilogy, which began with the Hugo nominee The Dark Between the Stars. The Saga of Shadows, as well as its predecessor series, the international bestselling Saga of Seven, are among the grandest epic space operas published in this century. Two decades after the devastating Elemental War, which nearly destroyed the cosmos, the new Confederation restored peace and profitable commerce among the peoples and worlds of the Spiral Arm. The ambitious, innovative Roamers went back to their traditional business of harvesting the vital stardrive fuel ekti from the clouds of gas giant planets, and the telepathic green priests of Theroc provided instantaneous galaxy-wide communication via their connection to the powerful and sentient worldtrees. The alien Ildiran Empire rebuilt their grand Prism Palace under the light of their seven suns, and their Mage-Imperator declared a new age of expansion and discover. But peace was not to last. The malevolent Klikiss robots soon found an ally in the ancient and near-omnipotent Shana Rei, destructive creatures who are the personification of darkness and chaos ......

The Little Green Book of Chairman Rahma

The Little Green Book of Chairman Rahma

Auteure: Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 413

A revolution has taken over the government of the United States and the environment has been saved. All pollution has been banned and reversed. It's a bright, green new world. But this new world comes with a great cost. The United States is ruled by a dictatorship and the corporations are fighting back. Joining them are an increasing number of rebels angered by the dictatorship of Chairman Rahma. The Chairman's power is absolute and appears strong, but in The Little Green Book of Chairman Rahma by Brian Herbert, cracks are beginning to show as new weapons are developed by the old corporate powers, foreign alliances begin to make inroads into America's influence . . . and strange reports of mutants filter through the government's censorship. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Spine of the Dragon

Spine of the Dragon

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 605

New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson triumphantly returns to epic fantasy with the Wake the Dragon series. Spine of the Dragon is a politically charged adventure of swords, sorcery, vengeance, and the rise of sleeping giants. Two continents at war, the Three Kingdoms and Ishara, are divided by past bloodshed. When an outside threat arises—the reawakening of a powerful ancient race that wants to remake the world—the two warring nations must somehow set aside generational hatreds and form an alliance to fight their true enemy. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Navigators of Dune

Navigators of Dune

Auteure: Brian Herbert , Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 413

Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's Navigators of Dune is the climactic finale of the Great Schools of Dune trilogy, set 10,000 years before Frank Herbert's classic Dune. The story line tells the origins of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and its breeding program, the human-computer Mentats, and the Navigators (the Spacing Guild), as well as a crucial battle for the future of the human race, in which reason faces off against fanaticism. These events have far-reaching consequences that will set the stage for Dune, millennia later. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Gods and Dragons

Gods and Dragons

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 565

Co-author of the Dune sequels, Kevin J. Anderson's Gods and Dragons marks his triumphant return to epic fantasy, featuring a politically charged adventure of swords, sorcery, vengeance, and the awakening of sleeping giants. Two continents at war: the Three Kingdoms and Ishara have been in conflict for a thousand years. But when an outside threat arises—the reawakening of a powerful ancient race that wants to remake the world—the two warring nations must somehow set aside generations of hatred to form an alliance against a far more deadly enemy. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Dosadi Experiment and The Eyes of Heisenberg

The Dosadi Experiment and The Eyes of Heisenberg

Auteure: Frank Herbert

Nombre de pages: 513

From Frank Herbert, creator of the Dune series, comes two classic works of science fiction. Included in this book bundle: The Dosadi Experiment and The Eyes of Heisenberg. The Dosadi Experiment Generations of a tormented human-alien people, caged on a toxic planet, conditioned by constant hunger and war-this is the Dosadi Experiment, and it has succeeded too well. The Dosadi have bred for vengeance and they have learned how to pass through the shimmering God Wall to visit their wrath on the Universe that created them. The Eyes of Heisenberg Public Law 10927 is clear and direct. Parents are permitted to watch the genetic alterations of their gametes by skilled surgeons... only no one has ever requested it. But when Lizbeth and Harvey Durant invoke the Law the consequences could be catastrophic. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Blood of the Cosmos

Blood of the Cosmos

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 638

Blood of the Cosmos: the second book in Kevin J. Anderson's Saga of Shadows trilogy. An epic space opera of the titanic conflict of several galactic civilizations against a life-destroying force of shadows, a dark cosmic force that has swept through the undercurrents of the human interstellar empire. The intertwined plots, overflowing with colorful ideas, a large cast of characters, and complex storylines, span dozens of solar systems, alien races, and strange creatures. As the second book of the trilogy opens, the humans and Ildirans, having narrowly escaped annihilation at the hands of the Shana Rei and their robot allies in Book One, are desperate to find a way to combat the black cloud of antimatter of the Shana Rei. The mysterious alien Gardeners, who had helped them previously, turn out to be a disaster in disguise and because of them, the world tree forests are again in danger. The allies believing they have found a way to stop their dreaded enemies, a new weapon is tested, but it's a horrible failure, throwing the human race and its allies to the brink of extinction. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM)...



Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 523

Kevin J. Anderson's sequel to Spine of The Dragon brings bitter rivalry and blood feud—that might be the downfall of the human kingdoms. Two continents at war, the Three Kingdoms and Ishara, have been in conflict for a thousand years. But when an outside threat arises—the reawakening of a powerful ancient race that wants to remake the world—the two warring nations must somehow set aside generations of hatred to form an alliance against a far more deadly enemy. Book One awakened the great dragon, and set the kingdoms at each other’s throats. In Book Two, Vengewar, the Three Kingdoms are shattering under pressure from an inexperienced new King who is being led by an ambitious regent to ignore the threat of the Wreths, in favor of a Vengewar with Ishara. His brother and uncle can see only the danger of the Older Race. In Ishara, the queen lies in a coma, while an ambitious priest seizes power. But he has neither the training nor the talent to rule a nation— or even a city. Ishara is in deadly peril, and the Wreths have not even appeared on their continent. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Winds of Dune

The Winds of Dune

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson , Brian Herbert

Nombre de pages: 583

Between the end of Frank Herbert's DUNE and his next novel, DUNE MESSIAH, lies an intriguing mystery: how a hero adored by a planet became a tyrant hated by a universe. Paul Atreides is the man who overthrew a corrupt empire and then launched a terrible jihad across the galaxy, shedding the blood of trillions. The now-hated tyrant, the blind emperor Paul Muad'Dib, has walked off into the endless desert of the planet Arrakis, known as Dune, leaving his turbulent empire without guidance. It's up to his mother Jessica, with her daughter Alia, the brave troubadour-warrior Gurney Halleck, the resurrected Duncan Idaho, the Fremen leader Stilgar, as well as Paul's wife-in-name and biographer, Princess Irulan, to try and hold an empire together even as it tears itself apart from within and without.

The Dark Between the Stars

The Dark Between the Stars

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 723

In Kevin J. Anderson's The Dark Between the Stars, galactic empires clash, elemental beings devastate whole planetary systems, and factions of humanity are pitted against each other. Heroes rise and enemies make their last stands in the climax of an epic tale seven years in the making. Twenty years after the elemental conflict that nearly tore apart the cosmos in The Saga of Seven Suns, a new threat emerges from the darkness. The human race must set aside its own inner conflicts to rebuild their alliance with the Ildiran Empire for the survival of the galaxy. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Million Dollar Productivity

Million Dollar Productivity

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson

Nombre de pages: 52

How do you find time to write in a world of distractions? Get answers from a New York Times–bestselling author with more than 125 published novels! Life is crazy and hectic for most of us. We’re surrounded with personal and family obligations, jobs, fitness programs, virtual mountains of email, not to mention videogames, TV, smartphones, social networking, and millions of things to check out on the web. With all those distractions, how does an aspiring author find time to write? And when you do find the time, how do you make the most of it? Award-winning and #1 international bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson is one of the most prolific authors in the business. He has published over 125 novels—an average of five novels a year, every year, for the past quarter century. Anderson has taught numerous writing seminars and lectured on productivity, and here he shares his tips on how to find the time to write, and how to make the most of that time.

Sin imagen

Journal secret d'Adrien 13 ans 3/4

Auteure: Sue Townsend

Nombre de pages: 251

Adrien a 13 ans 3/4 et plein de problèmes : il aime une fille qui se moque de lui, n'a jamais assez d'argent de poche et toujours trop de boutons d'acné... Son journal secret est une merveille de lucidité et de drôlerie.

The Awakening West

The Awakening West

Nombre de pages: 340

The days when those in the West looked towards the Eastern religious traditions for enlightenment are coming to an end. Western spirituality has come into its own, drawing on the rich philosophies of Zen, Hinduism, Advaita, Vedanta, Kashmiri Shaivism, Judaism and Christianity. In this book, Western spiritual teachers and seekers at the front of this movement explore this phenomenon and share their experience, warmth and wisdom. The book incldues writing by: Adyashanti; Peter Fenner; Gangaji; Douglas Harding; Catherine Ingram; Kenny Johnson; Francis Lucille; Satyam Nadeen; Mira Pagal; Robert Rabbin; Byron Katie Rolle; Isaac Shapiro; Lama Surya Das; Christopher Titmus; and Eckhart Tolle.

The Grace Awakening

The Grace Awakening

Auteure: Charles R. Swindoll

Nombre de pages: 416

The Grace Awakening calls all Christians to wake up and reject living in such legalistic, performance-oriented bondage. The God of the universe has given us an amazing, revolutionary gift of grace and freedom. This freedom and grace set us apart from every other "religion" on the face of the earth. In this best-selling classic, Charles Swindoll urges you not to miss living a grace-filled life. Freedom and joy-not lists and demands and duties-await all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Un jour en décembre

Un jour en décembre

Auteure: Josie Silver , Laura Bourgeois

Nombre de pages: 349

Laurie est presque sûre que le coup de foudre n'existe que dans les films. Mais, un jour de neige en décembre, à travers la vitre embuée d'un bus londonien, elle aperçoit un homme. Leurs regards se croisent, un moment de pure magie, un véritable coup de foudre... Puis le bus redémarre. Certaine qu'ils sont voués à se retrouver, Laurie passe une année à scruter les coins de rue, les arrêts de bus et les cafés. Sans succès. Jusqu'à ce soir de Noël où sa meilleure amie et colocataire lui présente le nouvel homme de sa vie, celui qui l'a convaincue d'abandonner les histoires d'amour éphémères... Jack, l'homme du bus. Dix ans de chassés-croisés, de déchirures, de retrouvailles et d'occasions manquées commencent alors pour Laurie et Jack. Josie Silver est une romantique assumée qui a rencontré son mari en lui marchant sur le pied à l'âge de vingt et un ans. Elle vit avec lui, ses deux jeunes enfants et leur chat dans une petite ville des Midlands. Son premier roman, Un jour en décembre, a été l'évènement éditorial de l'hiver 2018, se hissant dès la première semaine de vente en tête de tous les palmarès.

Das Science Fiction Jahr 2014

Das Science Fiction Jahr 2014

Auteure: Sascha Mamczak , Sebastian Pirling , Wolfgang Jeschke

Nombre de pages: 846

Aufbruch in die Zukunft Wie viel Zukunft steckt eigentlich in unserer Gegenwart? Dass eine Raumsonde einmal ein Foto der Erde umrahmt von den Ringen des Saturn schießen wird, das war vor Jahren noch Science Fiction – und heute ist es Realität. Kein anderes Genre hat die Grenzen unserer Vorstellungskraft so erweitert wie dieses. Im neuen Heyne Science Fiction Jahr können Sie einen Blick auf die Ideen werfen, die unsere Gegenwart von morgen prägen werden ...



Auteure: Elisabeth Naughton

Nombre de pages: 337

DAMON – For twenty-five years he’s served as a slave. With no memory of his past, he has no way of knowing if this is his ultimate fate, but he senses there has to be more to life. Damon’s hope for more comes in the form of the Sirens’ newest recruit. Elysia is unlike any trainee he’s ever met. Not only can she remember where she came from, but she has an instant connection to Damon, one he’s never felt and doesn’t understand. Soon Damon is willing to do anything to have Elysia. Even risk the wrath of his captors so he can keep her for himself. But Damon’s past isn’t a mystery to everyone. Evil forces are at work beneath the surface, and before long, Damon realizes that the connection he shares with Elysia isn’t a random coincidence. His fate—and the darkness it brings—was cemented long ago. And when it is finally revealed, no one will be safe. *** All books in the Eternal Guardians series can be read in order or as stand-alones: MARKED - Book 1 ENTWINED - Book 2 TEMPTED - Book 3 ENRAPTURED - Book 4 ENSLAVED - Book 5 BOUND - Book 6 TWISTED - Book 7 RAVAGED - Novella, Book 7.5 AWAKENED - Book 8 UNCHAINED - Novella, Book 8.25 HUNTED - Novella, Book 8.5...

Falling Awake

Falling Awake

Auteure: Charles Jay Harwood

Nombre de pages: 262

Insomnia can have the most sinister causes. Gemma’s husband vanishes under mysterious circumstances leaving only a black contorted doodle and mysterious debts. But saving her home proves the least of her worries after Gemma earns urgent cash by performing routines for a chronic insomniac. Voyeurism never hurt anybody. The cause of his insomnia is another matter. As the horrifying truth about her husband unfurls, Gemma’s paranoia about her voyeur takes its grip. Note: this novel can also be found within two anthologies: Eclipse Quartet: 4 Psychological Thrillers, and Gone Too Far: 3 Psychological Thrillers about Taboo. Now on audio.

Comment je suis devenu Malcolm X

Comment je suis devenu Malcolm X

Auteure: Ilyasah Shabazz , Kekla Magoon , Christine Bouard-schwartz

Nombre de pages: 557

Les parents de Malcolm ont toujours poussé à réaliser ses rêves. Mais comment Malcolm Little peut-il continuer à espérer après le meurtre de son père et l'internement de sa mère en hôpital psychiatrique ? D'autant que ses professeurs lui rient au nez lorsque Malcolm leur confie vouloir devenir avocat. Devenu orphelin, privé de ses frères et soeurs, Malcolm décide de fuir ce monde dominé par les blancs, d'abord à Boston, chez sa demi-soeur, pour s'étourdir de musique, d'alcool et de danse, avant de partir à Harlem, et de devenir un escroc accompli. Emprisonné pour vol à l'âge de 20 ans, Malcolm découvrira la religion musulmane, rencontrera la foi et deviendra Malcolm X, grand prêcheur militant pour la défense du peuple noir.

The World of Horrotica

The World of Horrotica

Auteure: David Edward Collier

Nombre de pages: 670


Sin imagen

Blade runner

Auteure: Philip K. Dick

Nombre de pages: 250

Un blade runner, c'est un tueur chargé d'exterminer les androïdes qui s'infiltrent sur terre. Et Rick est le meilleur blade runner de la côte Ouest. Ce qui ne l'empêche pas d'être un tendre : il rêve de remplacer un jour son simulacre (électrique) de mouton par un vrai ! Hors de prix sur une planète où s'éteint la vie animale ! Aussi quand on lui propose une somme fabuleuse pour éliminer de dangereux Nexus 6 signalés en Californie, il fonce... Mais, face à lui, surgit la très belle Rachel. Femme ou androïde ? L'aime-t-il ? Peut-il l'aimer ?

Fort Worth

Fort Worth

Auteure: Leonard Sanders

Nombre de pages: 534

"Travis Scurlock finds his way to the new settlement [Fort Worth] and begins his life there, eventually becoming a lawyer. As he evolves as a character, so evolves Fort Worth. Follow generations of Scurlock's family as they embark on a journey through history. [author] provides thrilling imagery, compelling characters, and a captivating perspective on the growth of Fort Worth"--Back cover.

Pipes of a Distant Clansman

Pipes of a Distant Clansman

Auteure: Gary Burns

Nombre de pages: 459

The Pipes Of A Distant Clansman begins with an overview of the Celtic history and traditions. Historical accounts gradually melt into story telling just as the Irish poets and bards have done for centuries. The adventures and exploits of the characters are historically correct in every way, but are told in the words of those experiencing the events as they happened. In the third chapter we meet the American Long Hunters. We join them in their fights against Indians, British Tories and sometimes each other as they stretch out toward the western sunset. These hardy pioneers tell their accounts as part of elite Revolutionary War units such as Morgan’s Riflemen. We join them in celebration of the British surrender at Saratoga and King’s Mountain. From tender youth to the rocking chairs of old age we march with them through life as the first Americans. Through the continuing chapters the pioneers and their children move over the mountains into the Dark and Bloody Land, Kentucky. We experience with the pioneers bear hunts, making salt and cattle raids. Their lives are then torn by a bitter civil war. Their children join Union and Confederate armies to fight bloody battles against...

La Saga des Sept Soleils, T7 : Mondes en cendres

La Saga des Sept Soleils, T7 : Mondes en cendres

Auteure: Kevin J. Anderson , Claude Mamier , Sarry Long

Nombre de pages: 644

C'est l'acte final : l'alliance de la Confédération humaine du roi Peter avec l'Empire ildiran, les verdanis et les wentals, a tenu bon face aux hydrogues et aux robots renégats commandés par Sirix. Mais deux terribles ennemis continuent à menacer le Bras spiral : les faeros, dont le feu vivant détruit tout sur son passage, et les Klikiss, des monstres insectoïdes qui sont sur le point de former un essaim imbattable. Pendant ce temps, le président de la Ligue Hanséatique réaffirme sa volonté de placer l'humanité sous sa coupe, prêt, pour cela, à mettre tout espoir de victoire en péril. Le dernier tome de l'extraordinaire Saga des Sept Soleils fournit une conclusion saisissante à un vaste conflit galactique émaillé de trahisons imprévues, d'amours contrariées et de batailles titanesques.

The Waking Dark

The Waking Dark

Auteure: Robin Wasserman

Nombre de pages: 396

The town of Oleander is postcard perfect. Until one day. The day the Devil came to Oleander. Whatever they called it, through the months to come - through the funerals and the dinners and the sidelong glances between formerly trusting neighbours - it was all anyone could talk about. It seemed safe to assume it was all anyone would ever talk about, just as it was assumed that Oleander had been changed for ever, and that, once buried, the bodies would stay in the ground. But then the storms came . . .

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