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Nous avons trouvé un total de 28 livres disponibles en téléchargement

Le spécimen et le collecteur

Auteure: Collectif

Nombre de pages: 512

Le spécimen et le collecteur se concentre sur la première des étapes propres à toute entreprise naturaliste, celle de la collecte des spécimens. Les auteurs s’attachent à comprendre ses spécificités matérielles, intellectuelles et politiques et à cerner les enjeux de connaissance qui motivent ses protagonistes. Fouler le terrain de la collecte revient à sortir de l’ombre les savoirs et les attentes des informateurs et des intermédiaires locaux. Au fil des pages se dessinent, sur plus de deux siècles, des oppositions et des coalitions inattendues d’intérêts et d’agents hétéroclites (explorateurs et informateurs, colons et colonisés, savants et marchands...) qui entrent en jeu dans la création des collections. Les spécimens ne sont alors plus seulement des objets agencés dans une classification de la nature indépendante des savoirs et des pratiques qui les ont produits, mais bien des éléments de culture matérielle que l’on peut considérer comme symboliques et constitutifs de relations sociales. En un mot, ils deviennent objet et parfois source d’histoire. Les contributions éclairent le parcours des collecteurs ou des spécimens eux-mêmes, la...

The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 4, 1847-1850

Auteure: Charles Darwin , Frederick Burkhardt , Sydney Smith

Nombre de pages: 778

A collection of the letters of Charles Darwin portrays his personal life and the development of his scientific theories

Catalogue Officiel de la Grande Exposition des Produits de l'Industrie de toutes les Nations, 1851. Rédigé et traduit de l'Anglais par G. F. Duncombe et F. M. Harman. Deuxième édition, revue et corrigée ... et augmentée d'une introduction historique ... par F. Hilaire d'Arcis

Auteure: Great Exhibition

Nombre de pages: 362

Catalogue of the British Section. Containing a List of the Exhibitors of the United Kingdom and Its Colonies, and the Objects which They Exhibit. In English, French, German, and Italian

Nombre de pages: 1354

Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique

Nombre de pages: 1024

Includes the proceedings of the Society's monthly meetings, 1870/1871-1871/1872.

Bulletin & annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique

Auteure: Société Entomologique De Belgique

Nombre de pages: 1024

Vol. 2, 1880 published on the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Society.

Table générale des Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique I-XXX et catalogue des ouvrages périodiques de sa Bibliothèque

Auteure: Auguste Lameere

Nombre de pages: 98

Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique

Auteure: Société Entomologique De Belgique

Nombre de pages: 94

United States International Centennial Exhibition of 1876

Auteure: United States. Navy Department

Nombre de pages: 110

Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure

Auteure: F. B. J. Barends

Nombre de pages: 818

Dictionnaire des arts et manufactures et de l'agriculture, formant un traité complet de technologie...

Auteure: Charles Laboulaye

The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 2, 1837-1843

Auteure: Charles Darwin , Frederick Burkhardt

Nombre de pages: 668

This is the second volume of the complete edition of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. For the first time full authoritative texts of Darwin's letters are available, edited according to modern textual editorial principles and practice. The letters in this volume were written during the seven years following Darwin's return to England from the Beagle voyage. It was a period of extraordinary activity and productivity in which he became recognised as a naturalist of outstanding ability, as an author and editor, and as a professional man with official responsibilities in several scientific organisations. During these years he published two books and fifteen papers and also organised and superintended the publication of the Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle, for which he described the locations of the fossils and the habitats and behaviour of the living species he had collected. Busy as he was with scientific activities, Darwin found time to re-establish family ties and friendships, and to make new friends among the naturalists with whom his work brought him into close contact. In November 1838, two years after his return Darwin became engaged to his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, whom...

Terra 2008

Auteure: Leslie Rainer , Angelyn Bass Rivera , David Gandreau

Nombre de pages: 456

Earthen architecture constitutes one of the most diverse forms of cultural heritage and one of the most challenging to preserve. It dates from all periods and is found on all continents but is particularly prevalent in Africa, where it has been a building tradition for centuries. Sites range from ancestral cities in Mali to the palaces of Abomey in Benin, from monuments and mosques in Iran and Buddhist temples on the Silk Road to Spanish missions in California. This volume's sixty-four papers address such themes as earthen architecture in Mali, the conservation of living sites, local knowledge systems and intangible aspects, seismic and other natural forces, the conservation and management of archaeological sites, research advances, and training.

Proceedings of the Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists, XXII Congress

Auteure: International Union Of Game Biologists. Congress

Nombre de pages: 568

This volume contains 104 papers, divided in 5 sections: 1. Ornithofauna, 2. Wild mammals, 3. Game management, 4. Game diseases, 5. History and culture of hunting. Most papers are in English, some in German, French and Russian. A colour supplement presents information on hunting societies and forests in Bulgaria, discussing management and culling techniques as well as village level eco-preservation.

The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 5, 1851-1855

Auteure: Charles Darwin , Frederick Burkhardt

Nombre de pages: 762

"For the first time full authoritative texts of Darwin's are made available, edited according to modern textual editorial principles and practice. Letter-writing was of crucial importance to Darwin's work, not only because his poor health isolated him from direct personal communication with his scientific colleagues but also because the nature of his investigations required communication with naturalists in many fields and in all quarters of the globe. Thus the letters are a mine of information about the work in progress of a creative genius who produced an intellectual revolution." --

Bills of Exchange

Auteure: United States. Delegation To The International Conference On Bills Of Exchange, The Hague, 1912 , United States. Delegation To The International Conference On Bills Of Exchange, 1912, Hague, Netherlands

Nombre de pages: 480

The Conservation and Presentation of Mosaics: At What Cost?

Auteure: Jeanne Marie Teutonico , Leslie Friedman , Aïcha Ben Abed , Roberto Nardi

Nombre de pages: 454

In recent years, funding for the conservation of cultural heritage has become increasingly difficult to obtain, and this trend shows no sign of changing significantly in the foreseeable future. The twelfth triennial meeting of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, held in Sardinia in October 2014, focused on the theme of cost, broadly considered, relating specifically to the preservation and presentation of the world’s mosaic heritage. This handsome, abundantly illustrated volume provides a comprehensive record of the conference. The volume’s sixty-seven papers and posters, comprising contributions from more than one hundred leading experts in the field, reflect the conference’s principal themes: cost, methods of survey and documentation, conservation and management, education and training, backing materials and techniques, presentation and display, and case studies. Papers are presented either in English, French, or Italian; there are abstracts in English and either French or Italian for all entries. The volume will be of interest to conservators, site managers, and others responsible for conserving the mosaic heritage, especially in these challenging ...

Colloque Sur la Conservation, la Gestion Et Le Rétablissement Des Habitats Des Invertébrés

Auteure: Council Of Europe

Nombre de pages: 168

In English & French

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