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Nous avons trouvé un total de 7 livres disponibles en téléchargement

Scientific Review Papers, Talks, and Books Wissenschaftliche Übersichtsartikel, Vorträge und Bücher

Auteure: Dr. Walter Blum , Professor Dr. Hans-peter Dürr , Dr. Helmut Rechenberg

Nombre de pages: 937

Vii FOREWORD TO THE ENGLISH EDITION The lectures which I gave at the University of Chicago ix It is an unusual pleasure to present Professor Heisen in the spring of 1929 afforded me the opportunity of re berg's Chicago lectures on "The Physical Principles of viewing the fundamental principles of quantum theory. the Quantum Theory" to a wider audience than could Since the conclusive studies of Bohr in 1927 there have attend them when they were originally delivered. Pro been no essential changes in these principles, and many fessor Heisenberg's leading place in the development of new experiments have confirmed important consequences the new quantum mechanics is well recognized by those of the theory (for example, the Raman effect). But even who have been following its growth. It was in fact he who today the physicist more often has a kind of faith in the first saw clearly that in the older forms of quantum theory we were describing our spectra in terms of atomic mecha correctness of the new principles than a clear understa- nisms regarding which we could gain no definite knowl ing of them. For this reason the publication of these C- cago lectures in the form of a small book seems...

Les origines de la biologie moléculaire

Auteure: Jacques Monod , André Lwoff

Nombre de pages: 252

Un hommage composé de trente-deux textes, tous en français et signés par des collègues, élèves et amis du célèbre biologiste. Eclairer les multiples aspects de la personnalité de Jacques Monod et suivre les processus de naissance et de développement des concepts fondamentaux de la biologie moléculaire, tels sont les objectifs atteints. "Certaines des activités de Jacques Monod n'ont pas été évoquées: la musique, l'alpinisme, la lutte pour les droits de l'homme, la philosophie". Pour un large cercle de chercheurs, d'enseignants et de penseurs.

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