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Nous avons trouvé un total de 14 livres disponibles en téléchargement

Ailes, Nuages et Tourbillons

Auteure: François Charru

Nombre de pages: 421

French aeronautics shone brightly in the first decade of the twentieth Century, but declined after the Great War. To remedy this situation, a new Ministry of Air launched in 1929 a large national program of scientific research in fluid mechanics, including the creation of four institutes and five teaching centers in the faculties of sciences in Paris and the provinces. This visionary policy, supported by considerable means, started a quite creative period and led to important achievements notably in the fields of atmospheric turbulence, thermoconvection and wake vortices. The usual picture of a period exclusively dominated by German and British contributions (and growing North-American ones), comes out significantly revised. The fruits of this policy will allow France to play a major role in the creation, after World War II, of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and are still visible today in the French teaching and research organization. Based on original materials unearthed from a variety of archival sources and scientific papers, the present book recounts this history in all its intertwined scientific, industrial, political and cultural dimensions....

Bulletin des bibliothèques de France

Nombre de pages: 826

Bulletin de documentation bibliographique appears as separately paged section, 1959- 1964-70.

Les Livres disponibles

Nombre de pages: 2574

La liste exhaustive des ouvrages disponibles publiés en langue française dans le monde. La liste des éditeurs et la liste des collections de langue française.

Association amicale des anciens élèves de l'Ecole normale supérieure

Auteure: Ecole Normale Supérieure (france). Association Amicale De Secours Des Anciens élèves

Nombre de pages: 860

Le Catalogue de l'édition française

Une liste exhaustive des ouvrages disponibles publiés, en française, de par le monde.

Recherches théoriques et expérimentales sur les mouvements des liquides pesant avec surface libre

Auteure: A. S. Apte

Nombre de pages: 148

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