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Nous avons trouvé un total de 40 livres disponibles en téléchargement

Genetics of the Dog

Auteure: Elaine A. Ostrander

Nombre de pages: 537

Recognizing the significant advances made in the field of animal genetics in the ten years since the first edition of "The Genetics of the Dog", this new edition of the successful 2001 book provides a comprehensive update on the subject, along with new material on topics of current and growing interest. Existing chapters on essential topics such as immunogenetics, genetics of diseases, developmental genetics and the genetics of behaviour have been fully updated, while new authors report on the latest advances in areas such as genetic diversity of dog breeds, canine genomics, olfactor.


Auteure: Jackie Isabell

Nombre de pages: 334

This book provides breeder with a comprehensive yet easy to understand guide to the nature of heredity, the application of genetics to specific breeds, how to control genetic disorders, and the art of breed selection.

Dog behaviour

Auteure: Ann-sofie Sundman

Nombre de pages: 49

Dogs, Canis familiaris, share the lives of humans all over the world. That dogs, and the behavior of dogs, are of interest to many is therefore no surprise. In this thesis, the main aim has been to identify factors that affect dogs’ behaviours. The dog, Canis familiaris, is our first domesticated animal. Since domestication, various types of dogs have developed through adaptation to an environment shared with humans and through our selective breeding, resulting in a unique variation in morphology and behaviour. Although there is an individual variation in the behaviour of dogs, there is also a difference between breeds. Moreover, selection during the last decades has split some breeds into divergent types. Labrador and golden retrievers are divided into a common type, for show and companionship, and a field type, for hunting. By comparing the breed types, we can study the effects of recent selection. In Paper I, we investigate differences in general behavioural traits between Labrador and golden retriever and between common and field type within the two breeds by using results from the standardized behaviour test Dog Mentality Assessment. There were differences between breeds...

Canine Genetics, Health and Medicine

Nombre de pages: 190

The advances being made in veterinary medicine in the modern era are continuously pushing the boundaries of what is presently possible and available. From unraveling canine genetics and gene therapies to understanding the microbiome and the effects parasites have on canine health. Whilst many advances are being made with clinical diagnosis, surgeries, prosthetics, pharmaceuticals, and imaging techniques, preventative medicine is also at the forefront of technology. Our understanding of the medical issues, critical care, pharmaceutics, anatomy, pathology, genetics, and disease are all imperative in making advances in canine medicine. This book covers a diverse range of topics in canine health by highlighting recent and forthcoming canine medicine and health innovations and improvements.

Practical Genetics for Dog Breeders

Auteure: Malcolm Beverley Willis

Nombre de pages: 256

This guide makes scientific discoveries accessible to lay readers, so that they can use them to produce the best dogs possible. The text is augmented by pertinent photos and other illustrations, giving readers the opportunity to take fullest advantage of available genetic knowledge.

Genetics and the Social Behaviour of the Dog

Auteure: John Paul Scott , John L. Fuller

Nombre de pages: 506

Based on 20 years of research at the Jakson Laboratory, this is a comprehensive reference work on the behaviour of dogs.

The Genetics of the Dog

Auteure: Anatoly Ruvinsky , Jeff Sampson

Nombre de pages: 564

This comprehensive reference book contains the latest research and information on dog genetics. No similar book is currently available - this is the first high level research work on the topic. Written by the leading authorities in the field from Europe, the USA, Russia and Australia.

The Genetic Connection

Auteure: Lowell J. Ackerman

Nombre de pages: 354

"'The Genetic Connection' is a complete guide to breed-related medical problems in purebred dogs and cats. Comprehensive but conveniently divided by body systems, this book presents conditions by breed, genetic testing availability, and prevalence data, as well as a new chapter dedicated to feline breed-related genetic disorders." - From back cover.

Control of Canine Genetic Diseases

Auteure: George A. Padgett

Nombre de pages: 266

If you breed dogs for any reason, you must own this book. Genetic diseases are among the most serious hazards on the landscape of modern dog breeding and one of the most vexing challenges facing today's dog breeders. Is it appropriate to open the gene pool to unwanted conditions in the pursuit of physical perfection, or must breeding to the Standard take a back seat to producing healthy animals? In Control of Canine Genetic Diseases, renowned authority George A. Padgett, DVM, provides an expert road map to help dog breeders everywhere avoid the pitfalls they are almost destined to encounter. For anyone whose goal is to produce healthy, functional and beautiful dogs, this is the book they need. Dr. Padgett provides clear explanations of modes of inheritance, how to conduct and analyze test matings and how to lower the chances of producing affected animals. Numerous tables, diagrams and graphs further enhance the text to facilitate the breeder's understanding. A Howell Dog Book of Distinction

Genetics for Dog Breeders

Auteure: Roy Robinson

Nombre de pages: 280

The findings of a decade of further investigation into the genetics of dog breeding have been incorporated into this new edition of a classic source of information for breeders. Early chapters outline the basic principles of heredity, illustrated byexamples from the dog. Modern methods of animal improvement which can be called upon to further the aims of dog breeding are also discussed. The chapters on colour & coat variation, genetics of breeds, & abnormalities heve been extensively rewritten in the light of new findings. Many outstanding problems of breed genotypes have been resolved, but at the same time numerous genetic anomalies have been identified through greater genetic awareness & attempts to secure breeding data. The descriptive summaries of these abnormalities, substantially documented, make this book a useful reference source for the identification of known genetic anomalies.

Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals

Auteure: Kathryn Lord , Lorna Coppinger , Raymond Coppinger

Nombre de pages: 496

The domestic dog has many phenotypic and behavioral forms. In this chapter we describe five different kinds of dogs and how each has been derived. We trace the background village dog adapting to the age of agriculture, with the coincident transformation of human behavior to permanent settlement. Over centuries, this village dog has changed, adapting to its different geographies and to local agricultural activities. In tandem, people began sorting through the village populations for dogs with appropriate behaviors, and these eventually became the founding stock for breeding programs. In recent centuries, samples of these working and hunting breeds have been collected by kennel clubs, and sexually isolated, becoming at best historic representations of the working or hunting breeds. More commonly they are used as pets, or household dogs, sometimes with sport competitions in the show or agility ringl

Comportement et bien-être du chien

Auteure: Thierry Bedossa , Sarah Jeannin

Nombre de pages: 556

Cet ouvrage est la suite du premier tome « Comportement et Education du chien » (Educagri éditions, 2010). Son objectif est de porter à la connaissance de tous, passionnés et professionnels du monde canin, les informations nécessaires afin de mieux comprendre, connaître et entraîner les chiens. L’approche est interdisciplinaire ; ont été réunis : des acteurs de terrain éducateurs-comportementalistes, des cliniciens vétérinaires et psychologues, des journalistes, des scientifiques et des enseignants-chercheurs en anthropologie, sociologie, éthologie, et génétique. L’objectif est de présenter une vision holistique du bien-être et du respect des animaux de compagnie en général et du chien en particulier. C’est en réinterrogeant sans cesse le sens de nos actions à la lumière de la recherche scientifique, de l’expérience empirique et de la sensibilité de chacun que l’on contribue à l’évolution des relations à l’autre, au vivant. Le livre est réparti en quatre grandes parties : I/ Bien-être et bientraitance II/ Cognitions et organisations sociales du chien III/Approche interdisciplinaire des comportements du chien IV/ Approche...

Inheritance of Traits

Auteure: Jen Green

Nombre de pages: 34

This fun book about dog shows teaches the core curriculum topic of inheritance.

The Dog and Its Genome

Auteure: Elaine A. Ostrander , Urs Giger , Lindblad-toh Kerstin

Nombre de pages: 606

Dogs of different breeds can range remarkably in size, shape, and behavior, and yet they all carry essentially the same genome, making them a particularly fascinating model for genome plasticity. The recent release of the complete sequence of the dog genome provides an exciting new context in which to consider such variation. Twentyfive chapters written by experts in the field include various aspects of morphological and behavioral variation in dogs, their origins and domestication, and their unique value as a model system for many common but complex human diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Genetics of the Dog

Auteure: Malcolm Beverley Willis

Nombre de pages: 0

Written for the layperson and the scientist alike, this study of how heredity affects physical and behavioral conditions in dogs includes basic genetic principles, polygenic inheritance, inheritance of many desirable and undesirable features, genetic diseases, and much more.

Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats

Auteure: Alex Gough , Alison Thomas , Dan O'neill

Nombre de pages: 416

Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs and Cats, Third Edition provides a comprehensive exploration of current knowledge of breed predispositions based on rigorous examination of primary research. Incorporates the latest research, new testing methods, and newly-discovered predispositions and diseases Provides expanded information on genetics, epidemiology, and longevity Includes key characteristics of diseases, including pathogenesis, genetics, risks, and common presentations Indexes dogs and cats by breed, with listings of common inherited and predisposed disorders organized by body system Includes absolute and relative frequency/occurrence data for conditions, along with references to further information

Medical, Genetic and Behavioral Risk Factors of Purebred Dogs

Auteure: Ross D. Clark Dvm

Nombre de pages: 600

There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available.

Pawsitive selection

Auteure: Mia Persson

Nombre de pages: 35

Through domestication and recent selection, dogs have evolved a unique set of communicative skills to attract and redirect human attention. These social skills have not been seen to the same extent in socialised wolves and are therefore believed to have a significant genetic basis. The process of domestication and breed formation has also had effects on the structure of the dog genome that are favourable for genetic mapping. With a high amount of linkage and long haplotype blocks, fewer genetic markers are needed to find gene-trait associations in dogs than in humans. Dogs serve as an important research model for us since humans and dogs share several diseases, psychiatric disorders and behavioural traits. In Paper I, I recorded human-directed social behaviours during a two-minute unsolvable problem task in 500 laboratory beagles. The dogs were living at a breeding facility and had been bred, kept and handled under standardised conditions. Behaviours related to task solving and human-directed contact seeking were separated in a principal component analysis, indicating that the behavioural test can be used to study dog-human interaction. Narrowsense heritability (h2) of the largest ...

The Genetic and Endocrinic Basis for Differences in Form and Behavior

Auteure: Charles Rupert Stockard

Nombre de pages: 800

Gift from the Charleston Heart Study.

Un monde de chiens

Auteure: François Y. Doré

Nombre de pages: 259

Ils sont un milliard dans le monde. Tous issus d’un ancêtre commun avec le loup. Pourtant, d’une race à l’autre, ils ne se ressemblent pas vraiment. Ils sont tantôt de grands renifleurs, tantôt de robustes bêtes, tantôt d’incomparables coureurs. Certains chiens sont imbattables pour détecter la moindre trace de stupéfiants, d’autres savent guider les personnes non-voyantes avec une exemplaire bienveillance, et d’autres encore font de redoutables gardiens. Mais comment expliquer l’extraordinaire complicité qu’ils ont établie avec nous? Comment parviennent-ils à être si attentifs à nos expressions, nos gestes, nos émotions? Inversement, savons-nous bien interpréter leurs regards, leurs postures et leurs vocalisations? Que connaissons-nous de leurs habiletés cognitives si caractéristiques? Ces 20 dernières années, les études en psychologie comparée et en éthologie ont connu un essor sans précédent. Ces recherches nous éclairent sur l’intelligence très particulière des chiens et sur la manière dont nos fidèles compagnons perçoivent le monde qu’ils partagent avec nous depuis plus de 15000 ans.

Encyclopédie animée d’imagerie cardiovasculaire ultrasonore du chien et du chat

Auteure: Valérie Chetboul , Charlotte Taton

Nombre de pages: 8000

Cette encyclopédie est dédiée à l’imagerie cardiovasculaire ultrasonore du chien et du chat, domaine qui a connu, en trois décennies, une véritable révolution avec l’avènement de l’échocardiographie en modes bidimensionnel et temps-mouvement, complétée par l’examen Doppler conventionnel, et enrichie par le Doppler tissulaire myocardique ou tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), les techniques dérivées du TDI, le speckle tracking imaging et l’échocardiographie tridimensionnelle (3D). Ces techniques, complémentaires les unes des autres, permettent une analyse cardiovasculaire extrêmement fine, non seulement par abord transthoracique, mais également transoesophagien et même, plus récemment, intracardiaque ! Afin de mettre son expérience de toutes ces techniques à la portée de tous, selon une méthodologie rigoureuse reposant sur plus de 1200 références bibliographiques, le Pr Valérie Chetboul connue internationalement pour ses publications et ouvrages dans le domaine, s’est alliée à une consoeur, le Dr Charlotte Taton, aux talents artistiques incontestables. Unique par son ampleur, son exhaustivité et son abondante iconographie de haute qualité...

1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: Symposia

Auteure: 1. World Congrees On Genetics Applied To Livestock Production (1974, Madrid, Spain)

Nombre de pages: 1258

V.2 - Round tables.

Molecular Basis of Inherited Diseases in Companion Animals

Auteure: Danika Bannasch , Steven Friedenberg

Nombre de pages: 232

This book includes a collection of publications describing the molecular etiology of inherited diseases and conditions in companion animals (dogs and cats). In addition to contributing to the health of companion animals, this research also benefits humans that have similar types of diseases.

Comportement et bien-être du chat

Auteure: Bedossa Thierry , Sarah Jeannin

Comprendre et respecter les besoins du chat... un véritable défi tant la nature de l’espèce féline est complexe et les paramètres qui influencent son comportement nombreux.De sa domestication à son quotidien de chat de compagnie, le chat a évolué, s’est adapté mais a conservé certaines tendances comportementales qui, selon le contexte environnemental, seront qualifiées de « comportements gênants ». Comment aider cet animal féru de liberté à supporter et surtout à apprécier sa captivité forcée ? Cet ouvrage collectif, auquel ont participé des experts internationaux dans le domaine du comportement félin, est une contribution majeure pour appréhender la complexité de l’espèce féline et ses besoins spécifiques. Il s’adresse aussi bien aux professionnels qui souhaitent actualiser leurs connaissances en éthologie féline et proposer une approche « cat friendly », qu’aux propriétaires soucieux de com-prendre la personnalité de leur chat afin de s’ajuster aux mieux dans l’interaction et lui offrir l’environnement le plus favorable possible. Cet ouvrage au contenu exhaustif apporte toutes les informations nécessaires à une cohabitation...

Génétique des animaux d’élevage

Auteure: Étienne Verrier , Denis Milan , Claire Rogel-gaillard

Nombre de pages: 291

Alors que le monde vit un changement global et que de nombreux questionnements sociétaux apparaissent sur le rôle et la place de l’élevage, cet ouvrage dresse un panorama sur l’histoire, les méthodes et la dynamique de changement qui s’est opérée au cours de la dernière décennie pour dessiner les futurs de la sélection animale.

Biologie évolutive

Auteure: Thierry Lefevre , Michel Raymond , Frédéric Thomas

Nombre de pages: 991

La 2e édition de cet ouvrage aborde les grands thèmes de la biologie évolutive, comme la génétique des populations et des métapopulations, l'écologie comportementale, les analyses phylogénétiques, l'évolution moléculaire, les interactions entre espèces. [Ed.].

1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: Symposia

Auteure: Sindicato Nacional De Ganaderia De España

Nombre de pages: 1254

Medical, Genetic and Behavioral Risk Factors in Purebred Dogs

Auteure: Ross D. Clark

Nombre de pages: 364

There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available.

Once a Wolf

Auteure: Bryan Sykes

Nombre de pages: 0

The author of Seven Daughters of Eve returns with a lively account of how all dogs are descended from a mere handful of wolves. How did wolves evolve into dogs? When did this happen, and what role did humans play? Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes used the full array of modern technology to explore the canine genetic journey that likely began when a human child decided to adopt a wolf cub thousands of years ago. In the process, he discovered that only a handful of genes have created the huge range of shapes, sizes, and colors in modern dogs. Providing scientific insight into these adaptive stages, Sykes focuses attention on our own species, and how our own evolution from (perhaps equally aggressive) primates was enhanced by this most unlikely ally. Whether examining our obsession with canine purity, or delving into the prehistoric past to answer the most fundamental question of all, “Why do we love our dog so much?,” Once a Wolf is an engaging work no dog lover or ancestry aficionado should be without.


Auteure: Dr. Carmelo L. Battaglia

Nombre de pages: 343

Dr. Battaglia has a keen power of observation, and understanding of dog structure, movement, and genetic selection. This, combined with his ability to communicate in a clear and articulate manner provides the reader with the tools needed to make informed breeding decisions. Jerold S Bell, DVM, Clinical Associate Professor of Genetics Department of Clinical Sciences, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Dr. Battaglia has written a thoroughly researched treatise that is sure to become the bible of all serious breeders. He takes the complicated topic of breeding better dogs through research and genetics and explains the subject in terms that any layman can understand. If you want to understand how to improve your breeding program, “Breeding Dogs to Win” is essential reading Tom Grabe, Publisher, The Canine Chronicle Dr. Battaglia, in his book “Breeding Dogs to Win”, has created a renaissance product, covering the spectrum from the principles of Mendelian genetics to the practical concepts of a good canine breeding program. The book is very readable because he has avoided the jargon of both scientists and dog breeders. There is something for everyone interested in...

Quand les espèces se rencontrent

Auteure: Donna Haraway

Nombre de pages: 509

" Il y a maintenant presque huit ans, je me suis retrouvée de façon inattendue éperdument amoureuse d'une chienne rouge piment que j'ai appelée Cayenne. " C'est en partant des gestes les plus ordinaires du quotidien et non pas de grands principes que Donna Haraway nous invite à penser notre relation aux espèces compagnes. Ces espèces avec lesquelles nous " partageons le pain ", depuis les micro-organismes qui nous peuplent jusqu'aux animaux de compagnie. Cet enchevêtrement nous conduit auprès de bouledogues français à Paris, à des projets concernant les prisonniers du Midwest, à des analyses coûts-bénéfices dans la culture marchande autour des chiens, à des souris de laboratoire et des projets de recherche en génétique, sur des terrains de baseball et d'agility, auprès de baleines munies de caméras au large de l'Alaska, sur des sites industriels d'élevage de poulets, etc. Il s'agit ici non pas de domestication, de contrôle ou de rachat de la dette mais de contact. Quelle est la valeur ajoutée du contact ? Que nous apprennent à sentir et à faire les " zones de contact " ? Loin de tout retour romantique à une rencontre sauvage, dénuée d'intérêts et de...


Auteure: Kathleen Simpson

Nombre de pages: 76

Ever since scientists first cloned Dolly, genetics has been a hot-button topic in the media and the political world. Authoritative texts that include interviews with experts, useful time lines, diagrams, glossaries, and more bring readers up to date on the latest findings of specific scientific issues and discoveries in the field of genetics, from the Human Genome Project to stem cell research to the National Geographic's own Genographic Project.

Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Risk Factors of Bernese Mountain Dogs

Auteure: Ross D Clark Dvm

Nombre de pages: 24

Genetic Disease in Dogs

Auteure: Donald F. Patterson

Nombre de pages: 288

In addition to being a general primer in canine medical genetics, read ers will find details on more than 370 canine genetic disorders known to occur in more than 200 breeds. Included are a large variety of cong enital malformations, growth and development abnormalities, reproducti ve disorders, and more. Other topics covered include DNA structure of normal genes and examples of abnormalities in gene structure, common p atterns of inheritance of genetic diseases, factors contributing to th e high frequency of genetic disorders in purebred dogs and approaches to reducing the frequencies of genetic disorders.

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