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Nous avons trouvé un total de 28 livres disponibles en téléchargement

It's Funny You Should Say That

Auteure: Joan Marjory Silverthorn

Nombre de pages: 66

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Funny You Should Ask...

Auteure: Elwood Scott

Nombre de pages: 148

Fun Fact: They say that "The only person who never makes a mistake, is the person who never does anything."David Simmons should get a great deal done, because he makes a lot of mistakes: His career. His marriage. A brief, but unwavering, conviction that he would look young and cool in skinny jeans (spoiler alert - he did not). It's important to be consistent, so when he finds a weathered old bottle during an ill-conceived beach walk, of course he's going to make the wrong choice to open it.Now he has a thousand (give or take) year old genie named Duke who needs David to hurry up so he can hit the waves.David has three wishes, an impatient supernatural surfer and a lifetime of blunders under his belt, but what type of high end, top shelf, cluster-cuddle of a mistake do you need to make to be locked away in a four by four cell in an orange jumpsuit?Well, it's funny you should ask, because I can tell you, it takes more than just one.Funny you should ask is the new collection of humorous (and surprisingly philosophical) short stories by Elwood Scott. Author of The Stowaway.

Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence - Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs

Auteure: Canada. Parliament. House Of Commons. Standing Committee On Justice And Legal Affairs

Nombre de pages: 1218

Funny You Should Ask

Auteure: David Gale

Nombre de pages: 228

An entertaining collection of humorous short stories.

O brother

Auteure: Joel Coen , Ethan Coen , Olivier Peyron , Richard Maccarthy

Nombre de pages: 180

Dans le Mississippi, pendant la grande dépression, trois prisonniers enchaînés s'évadent du bagne. Ils tentent l'aventure pour retrouver leur liberté et leur maison. Unis par leurs chaînes, ils entreprennent un voyage semé d'embûches et rencontrent une multitude de personnages. Version moderne et originale de "l'Odyssée" d'Homère. Le scénario du film.

Funny You Should Ask, what is the Effect of Humor on Memory and Metamemory?

Auteure: Jennifer L. W. Thompson

Nombre de pages: 176

Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes T. 1

Auteure: Arthur Conan Doyle

Nombre de pages: 1117

Il vit à Londres, au 221 B Baker Street à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle. Il a des idées un peu bizarres... Il se passionne pour certaines branches de la science. Il est assez calé en anatomie, est un chimiste de premier ordre qui, malgré des études très décousues et excentriques, a amassé un tas de connaissances peu ordinaires. Il n'est pas aisé de le faire parler, bien qu'il puisse être assez expansif quand l'envie lui en prend. Il joue du violon. Il a un métier : dénouer des énigmes étranges auxquelles il est le seul à pouvoir apporter une solution. Il a un défaut : il affectionne les drogues. Il a un ami : le docteur Watson, témoin et narrateur de ses aventures. Son créateur, Arthur Conan Doyle, a inventé le récit policier moderne. Il s'appelle Sherlock Holmes.  Traduction nouvelle de Eric Wittersheim  Edition bilingue  Illustrations de Sidney Paget On trouvera, dans ce premier volume : Romans - Une étude en rouge - Le Signe des quatre Nouvelles Un scandale en Bohême, La Ligue des rouquins, Une affaire d'identité, Le Mystère de la vallée de Boscombe, Les Cinq Pépins d'orange, L'Homme à la lèvre tordue, L'Escarboucle bleue, La Bande...

A Démétrien

Auteure: Cyprianus

Nombre de pages: 590

Retranscrit et étudie la portée de la lettre ouverte adressée par Cyprien, vers 251-253, aux païens qui désignaient les chrétiens comme responsables de tous les maux de l'Empire romain. Pour l'évêque de Carthage, ces maux sont les signes de la fin du monde. Il invite les chrétiens à supporter malheurs et persécutions en attendant l'avènement du Royaume de Dieu.

Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem

Nombre de pages: 552

Problem-solving journal at the senior secondary and university undergraduate levels for those who practice or teach mathematics. Primarily educational in purpose, it also serves those who read it for professional, cultural and recreational reasons.

Funny You Should Mention It--

Auteure: Barry Friedman

Nombre de pages: 0

Funny You Should Mention It captures Barry Friedman?s humor in its purest form?straight from the heart. Marked by an indelible imprint of wit, imagination, and humanism borne from standing in the spotlight of countless stages across the hemisphere, his essays unearth the funny side of every situation. More than just a road-savvy stand-up comedian?s musings on working from Atlantic City to the Bahamas, Barry has enigmatically managed to pen life?s most pungent, rewarding, and irreverent moments with surprising tenderness and intimacy. One of the most entertaining comic writers of our time, Barry proves again that he is willing to expose his soul to indulge those fortunate enough to read his insightful reflections on everything from body piercings to Winnie Cooper. Like his first book, Road Comic, his latest collection pulls no punches as it repeatedly strikes every funny bone with outrageous accuracy!

Bescherelle Anglais : les exercices

Auteure: Michèle Malavieille , Mireille Quivy , Wilfrid Rotgé

Nombre de pages: 180

Une banque de 340 exercices de niveaux B1-B2 pour s’approprier les principales règles de l’anglais. - L’ouvrage peut être utilisé en complément de la Grammaire anglaise Bescherelle (des renvois aux paragraphes de la Grammaire permettent des révisions ciblées). - Tous les exercices sont corrigés. Sur le site Bescherelle le lecteur peut accéder gratuitement à des exercices interactifs en ligne.

Funny You Should Say That

Auteure: Andrew Martin

Nombre de pages: 0

"A fool and his words are soon parted, wrote William Shenstone in 1764; one might add that A wit and his words are rarely collected. Here is the antidote: a dazzling survey of the funniest remarks, quips and observations from Ancient Rome, the Bible and Chaucer right up to The Simpsons and The Office. More than 5,000 of the very funniest remarks to have appeared on paper since, well, paper was invented. The lines we all wish we could have said are arranged thematically and cover all aspects of life: from the world we inhabit to the things we eat, smoke and drink; from the way we move around to what and how we learn oh, and the pointlessness of football. Within each theme, the quotationsare placed chronologically providing a real sense of the development of thoughts about each subject as well as seeing how jokes evolve over the years and, in some cases, who borrowed from whom."--Publisher's website.

Funny You Should Say That

Auteure: Andrew Martin

Nombre de pages: 528

'A fool and his words are soon parted' wrote William Shenstone in 1764; one might add that 'A wit and his words are rarely collected'. Here is the antidote: a dazzling survey of the funniest remarks, quips and observations from Ancient Rome, the Bible and Chaucer right up to The Simpsons and Little Britain. Over 5,000 of the very funniest remarks to have appeared on paper since, well, paper was invented. The quotations are arranged thematically and cover all aspects of life: from the world we inhabit to the things we eat, smoke and drink; from the way we move around to what and how we learn - oh, and the pointlessness of football. There is a short biography of all of the authors in the book, a brief contextual note for each quotation and an index of keywords to help you find you chosen witticism quickly. But do not be over-hasty when you use this book: it is a browser's delight, and should be enjoyed at leisure.

Funniest Thing You Never Said 2

Auteure: Rosemarie Jarski

Nombre de pages: 576

The bestselling, blockbusting, bumper book of humorous quotations rides back into town with 6,000 more hilariously funny quotes. From times past to the modern day, classic funnies to contemporary wit, The Funniest Thing You Never Said 2 delivers an unbeatable selection of fantastic and hilarious quotes on every subject under the sun. Featuring topics as diverse as celebrity to religion, and including a cast of quotees ranging from Oscar Wilde to Homer Simpson, there's something here for everyone with a sense of humour. 'I am willing to love all mankind, except an American.' - Samuel Johnson 'Glastonbury was very wet and muddy. There was trench foot, dysentery, peaches ... all the Geldof daughters.' - Sean Lock 'Politics would be a helluva good business if it weren't for the goddamned people.' - Richard Nixon 'I've had more women than most people have noses.' - Steve Martin 'I have the simplest tastes. I'm always satisfied with the best.' - Oscar Wilde 'Well, it's 1am. Better go home and spend some quality time with the kids.' - Homer Simpson 'All I know is I'm not a Marxist.' - Karl Marx 'I'm the pink sheep of the family.' - Alexander McQueen

What's So Funny?

Auteure: Aris Parker

Nombre de pages: 94

This book attempts to bring joy and relief from the chaos and confusion of everyday life. I think people will get a kick out of this book because it's hilarious in a corny type of way. As the author I even had to laugh at the funny stories so it has to be funny. All kidding aside, this book is entertaining and educational, as well since it could be instrumental in bridging the gap between readers of different languages, cultures, customs and backgrounds with funny sayings spoken in our daily lives. You may ask what's so funny about this book. What's not to like about this book? Go ahead and take a gander, you will see how this barrel of laughs can make a difference in this serious world. Again, I know you'll get a good laugh because I found it quite amusing myself. So read the book and laugh your heart out!

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