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Nous avons trouvé un total de 12 livres disponibles en téléchargement

Dynamics of Satellites / Dynamique des Satellites

Auteure: Maurice Roy

Nombre de pages: 347

Depuis Ie lancement de SPOUTNIK I par l'Union Sovietique Ie 4 Octobre 1957, des experiences humaines de Mecanique celeste de cette sorte ont ete repetees it de nombreuses reprises en U.R.S.S. et aux U.S.A. En 1961, sur ma proposition, l'Union Internationale de Mecanique tMorique et appliquee retint l'idee de consacrer en 1962 un Symposium special it la confrontation des resultats des experiences sovietiques et americaines en vue d'en tirer Ie maximum d'enseignements sur la question fondamentale suivante concernant la {laquo} Dynamique des satellites artificiels) de la Terre: quelles sont la nature et les lois des forces reelles qui agissent sur ces mobiles au voisinage de notre planete, et qui determinent par consequent leur mouvement~ En d'autres termes, il s'agissait de faire Ie point de nos connaissances sur Ie probleme du mouvement des Astres, magistralement resolu par NEWTON il Y a plus de trois siecles pour des astres quasi-ponctuels et assez eloignes. Les moyens d'observation utilises pour connaitre avec la meilleure precision possible Ie mouvement des satellites artificiels lances depuis 1957, et Ie fait de. la proximite relative de ces satellites par rapport it la Terre...

A Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans

Auteure: Territory Of Orleans , Louisiana

Nombre de pages: 526

International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 20

Auteure: Ángel Morillo Cerdán , Norbert Hanel , Esperanza Martín

Nombre de pages: 1684

This massive three volume set publishes the proceedings of the 2006 Limes conference which was held in Leon, a total of 138 contributions. Naturally these cover a vast range of topics related to Roman military archaeology and the Roman frontiers. The archaeology of the Roman military in Spain, and contributions by Spanish scholars are prominent, whilst other themes include the internal frontiers, the end of the frontiers and the barbarians in the empire, the fortified town in the late Roman period, soldiers on the move and the early development of frontiers . Further sessions had a regional focus. Majority of essays in English, some in Spanish, German and Italian

International Courts and the Development of International Law

Auteure: Nerina Boschiero , Tullio Scovazzi , Cesare Pitea , Chiara Ragni

Nombre de pages: 951

This book contains a collection of essays by leading experts linked to the outstanding characteristics of the scholar in honour of whom it is published, Tullio Treves, who combines his academic background with his practical experiences of a negotiator of international treaties and a judge of an international tribunal. It covers international public and private law related to international courts and the development of international law. Under Article 38 of its Statute, the International Court of Justice can apply judicial decisions only as a “subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law”. However, there are many reasons to believe that international courts and tribunals do play quite an important role in the progressive development of international law. There are a number of decisions which are inevitably recalled as the first step, or a decisive step, in the process of the formation of a new rule of customary international law. In these cases, can the judge be considered as a subsidiary of others? Are these cases compatible with the common belief that a judge cannot create law? Is this a peculiarity of international law, which is characterized by the existence of...

Des droits de l'homme au droit international pénal

Auteure: Emmanuel Decaux , Adama Dieng , Malick Sow

Nombre de pages: 785

Various analysis mainly in international criminal law and human rights to honour late Judge Laity Kama, first President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Des contributions essentiellement en droit international penal et droit de l'homme pour honorer la memoire de feu le juge Laity Kama, premier president du Tribunal penal international pour le Rwanda.

Dictionary of Medicine

Auteure: Svetolik P. Djordjević

Nombre de pages: 1120

With over 105,000 medical terms and over one million words, this is the most extensive dictionary of its kind available.

Actes Passés À la Session de la Législature de L'état de la Louisiane

Auteure: Louisiana

Nombre de pages: 552

Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage

Auteure: Richard Allsopp , Jeannette Allsopp

Nombre de pages: 782

This remarkable new dictionary represents the first attempt in some four centuries to record the state of development of English as used across the entire Caribbean region.

Report of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on Its 55th Session, Geneva, 28 July-15 August 2003

Nombre de pages: 202

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