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Nous avons trouvé un total de 9 livres disponibles en téléchargement

Esame di coscienza di un letterato

Auteure: Renato Serra

Nombre de pages: 90

Colpito da una pallottola in fronte a trentuno anni, durante la terza battaglia dell’Isonzo, Renato Serra non era consapevole del prezioso contributo che il suo approccio avrebbe dato alla nostra letteratura. Di indole pigra, inconcludente, scontroso, restio alle scadenze lavorative, d’animo riservato, scettico verso la comune opinione, Serra resta una delle figure più complesse del Ventesimo secolo. In lui c’è l’assidua ricerca di un’identità non soltanto letteraria, ma principalmente umana, che lo pone in uno stato di permanente disadattamento con la vita e con il mondo. Il suo è uno sguardo limpido e assoluto sulle cose, risolto con l’onesta lucidità intellettuale della ragione che si realizza in un’inesorabile incertezza dei principi capaci di governare le azioni umane. Esame di coscienza di un letterato riproposto in quattro lingue in un’unica edizione, è un discorso aperto sul senso di prendere parte alla guerra, sulla coscienza morale e sulla necessità di essere contemporanei. Abattu d'une balle en plein front à l'âge de trente et un ans lors de la troisième bataille de l'Isonzo, Renato Serra n'avait pas conscience de la précieuse contribution que ...

A Grammar of the French Language ... The fourth edition: with ... additions and improvements by the author

Auteure: Nicolas Wanostrocht

Nombre de pages: 384


Auteure: Maurice Leblanc

Nombre de pages: 579

"Arsène Lupin!" Gourel repeated these two fateful words with an absolutely petrified air. They rang within him like a knell. Arsène Lupin! The great, the formidable Arsène Lupin. The burglar-king, the mighty adventurer! Was it possible? "No, no," he muttered, "it's not possible, because he's dead!" Only that was just it . . . was he really dead? Arsène Lupin! Standing beside the corpse, he remained dull and stunned, turning the card over and over with a certain dread, as though he had been challenged by a ghost. Arsène Lupin! What ought he to do? Act? Take the field with his resources? No, no . . . better not act . . . . He was bound to make mistakes if he entered the lists with an adversary of that stamp. Besides, the chief was on his way! The chief was on his way! All Gourel's intellectual philosophy was summed up in that short sentence. An able, persevering officer, full of courage and experience and endowed with Herculean strength, he was one of those who go ahead only when obeying directions and who do good work only when ordered. And this lack of initiative had become still more marked since M. Lenormand had taken the place of M. Dudouis in the detective-service. M....

The Handmaid's tale, roman protéen

Auteure: Margaret Atwood

Nombre de pages: 106

Ce volume contient l’intervention de Margaret Atwood, « Genesis of The Handmaid’s Tale and Role of the Historical Notes » et la table ronde avec l’auteur, lors du colloque de Rouen du 16 novembre 1998. Sept textes inédits du colloque de Paris III du 14 novembre 1998 et du colloque de Rouen du 16 novembre 1998 mettent en relief la multiplicité des approches possibles de The Handmaid’s Tale : la vision de l’auteur, l’histoire des idées, la psychanalyse, l’étude des thèmes et des genres littéraires s’y succèdent et soulignent la richesse de ce roman multiforme.

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